
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2018


 Hello my friends, today we can write about anything, so I go to write about my favourite superhero Dr. Strange, he now is a superhero renowed because he apper in the Marvel's movies, but I like this superhero since I was 16 years old, now I'm 23 years old. I like this character because all his power is connecting with the magic, so all his skills are unlimited. But he wasn't born with this powers, he learned about the magic with his master, Ancient one.   Well, I go to explain his history, he was a doctor in USA, and he was very important surgeon but after of an accident he lost his skills in his hand so he don't operate, in his desperation he go to India finding a cure, in this place he knowed to Ancient one, after a time he learned the mistic's arts and learned many things, also he recived the Agamotto's eye, or in another words, the Agamotto's eye choose he. When he recived his powers, he know that many people and monster of another dimensions is usin

Remembering the school

 Hello my friends, today I want to write about one of my favorite classes. First I need to say that I studed support in tourism, yes, I studed this in the secundary, in the liceo Jose Maria Narbona. In Santiago only two school learn this career so it's not renowned. So now I go to say my favorite class, it was "Bar Class". I can remember when I listened about this class I smile because I thought: are you kidding me? But was true.  We had this class only in the last year and one time in the week, so all my classmates wait for this class with many happiness. I remember that the first class was very boring because only learn the name of the utensils, but the second class we started to prepare the drinks. The teacher Hector, this is his name, allowed us to drink when we prepared the drink very well, it is a secret because the rule was that only the teacher was taste the drinks. My specialty are the pisco sour and alexander sister, this last is very special because it is mad

An old friend

 Hello my friends, today I'm going to write about a good friend, his name is Oscar, I meet he in the school in the 2nd grade, I was 7 years old. I was new in the school and knowed nobody, so I sited in the first place that I saw, in the table were three childrens, Claudia, Juan and Oscar, with every one I talk today, but with he still be best friends. I can remember many times when we made disturbance in the school because we have many things in common like the videogames, superhero movies, basketball ( I don't remember anymore Haha).  When we need to go to the secundary, all my group of friends had to separate, every one went to different school, but never stop to meeting, also he moved many times and with another friend, Ariel, we go to his new house every time, was very funny because every time we knew a new place, also I like the travels.  We still meeting, although is hard in many times, because he is a police (carabinero in Chile), It's so rare, because he always

The Chilean's month

 Hello my friends, I want to write about the national holidays in Chile, we celebrate in September, most specifically on 18th of September, but many people prefer to say that the celebration is all the month. In this month is easy look many flag in every house, also is very usual drink "terremoto", it's a typical drink for this celebrations. In my family is so common to meet in these occasions, it's literally a tradition. I can remember, when I was a kid, I liked this meeting because I want to play anything with my cousins but now I like this meeting for the food and also I can look all family gather.  I think that the national holidays is a very importnt part of our identity like Chilean people, because many people identify with this celebration, also many people remember their origins and it's a good reason for remember our essence like Chilean. Because I think that today the Chilean peolple is losing their identity. I don't feel the most Chilean on the w

About Me

Well, I don't know like start, but my name is Lukas, I'm 23 years old, I live in Peñalolen with my mother and brothers and I study architecture in the Universidad de Chile.  I like the videogames, the superhero's movies, also the basketball, when I have sometime go to play with my friends, although I'm not so good, also I like to read but only read comic and a little bit of another books, my favorite superhero is Dr. Strange, I like the mistery things, I think that this thing so interasnting but nobody have a answer 100% sure and I like to learn and discover new things.  One of my favorites hobbys is the dogs, I prefer the dogs because are a nice company, always are happy and wants to play, I have a cocker dog and it is full the energy.