An old friend

 Hello my friends, today I'm going to write about a good friend, his name is Oscar, I meet he in the school in the 2nd grade, I was 7 years old. I was new in the school and knowed nobody, so I sited in the first place that I saw, in the table were three childrens, Claudia, Juan and Oscar, with every one I talk today, but with he still be best friends. I can remember many times when we made disturbance in the school because we have many things in common like the videogames, superhero movies, basketball ( I don't remember anymore Haha).

 When we need to go to the secundary, all my group of friends had to separate, every one went to different school, but never stop to meeting, also he moved many times and with another friend, Ariel, we go to his new house every time, was very funny because every time we knew a new place, also I like the travels.

 We still meeting, although is hard in many times, because he is a police (carabinero in Chile), It's so rare, because he always be very messy and now he needs to be very strict, I kidding he for your job and I say: Don't you got the score for study another thing? But is only a joke.


  1. is so curious that have a police friend

  2. Is very nice how they will be in contact always

  3. "Don't you got the score for study another thing?" Hhahahahah. What a weird situation when you have a friend that is a policeman, but first he is a friend so.. Tell to him that some night you need to break the laws and do crazy things haha

  4. ohhh, that boring his decision of to be a police, but it's cool that you want to be his friend despiste, it show the care is more strong :) (that romantic opinion jajjaja)


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