The most beautiful district

 Hello my friends, today I want to talk about of some places in the world, and its architectures that is very awesome. For example in Netherlands, there is a small city called Leiden with many galleries and fashion shops, also has excellent food and awesome textiles markets, in a place where the city mix with the canals. Also is important remember the great mix in its street with the museums, cafes, botanic garden, etc. Another place that the news say that is a good place is in Montmartre, Paris, It is a place where the people can walk without problem in the street and find many natural food. These places are very special for the people that to visit, and the tourists for the manner in that the street and places are organized for to help the tourism.

 Another place that the news say that is very important to know is Distillery district, Toronto, where 10 street was reborn as pedestrian street, with the intention that the people can go visit this place and walk for its street without problems. Also other places that have many things for to joy is Karolinen, Hamburg, in this place surrounded for graffitis there are many shops and stores of all types.

 I think that was a good job of the architect to change the streets and buildings in a different place. Is very hard transform a place for to better, and make the people that enjoy in these places. I admire the great architect that can change and build a building and don't change the essence and culture of that place. I choose this new because I want to create many places like those


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