World green

 Hello my friends, today I go to write about a very important topic, the environment, because in Chile is very hard to recycle, or in others words, the government don't learn about the recycle in the schools and don't encourage to the people about this thing.

 I remember when I was a child, I listened about the recycle but I didn't understand this issue. Now I understand more about this thing and in my home my family prefer to recycle the things, also prefer reuse the egg trays when we go to buy, my mom prefer buy the thing without plastic or with a bit of plastic, and another thing for reuse the bags and bottles.

  But I think that the problem start for the education, because in Chile for many people is normal throw the packaging in the floor, or waste the water and electricity. I think that the father and the school should learn about the recycle, because the country need to change and the best manner is learn to the children about the benefits of the recycle, but also the government need to take part in this problem. For example in Quinteros, the zone of sacrifice, the government don't do nothing for to help to the people and change the situation, this example and many more need a quick answer because many people are suffering for cause the pollution that we make every day. And in a few years the pollution could destroy many place like Quinteros. I konw that the environment will thank us if we change and start to recycle.


  1. for being respectful begins with a good foundation and that is education and more than anything ecological and civil education

  2. the pollution is a big problem that we need to fix and make plans to recover places in very bad state like quinteros

  3. You are right. We need a policy that forces all schools to educate people to be eco friendly.

  4. The education fails even in the goverment's level. That is the reality


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