A Good Book

 Hello my friends, today I go to write about the book I'm reading in this moment, One hundred years of solitude, I still reading because I don't have many time for it, but when I have a little bit time, in the bus, the weekend or in the bathroom hahaha, I read the book. 

 It is a novel of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, he is my favorite writer, I readed some book than he writed and I loved his storys. This is novel about a town called Macondo in Colombia, this is a fiction town, in the time when Colombia was in the civil war, also in the book apper many character the first is Jose Arcadio Buendia and his wife Ursula Iguaran. They arrived at this place when they were younger and with another persons they founded this town. Sometime they had two childens, the first Jose Arcadio and the second Aureliano. But the story is mainly about Aureliano because he start to feel atraction for Pilar Ternera, but she is older than he, because he is a teen in this part in the story. Later he go into to the military and start to apper many characters and many sons of this brothers and I begin to confuse because the majority of character called similar. I enjoy this book but i need to have a family tree for understand this things. Also many thing occuring I can't say all the things because are many, Jose Arcadio Buendia goes crazy, Aureliano goes colonel, arrived a cousin and nobody know about she. I love this book but is a mix very big. Is the first book than I need to write the name of character for remember them.


  1. jajsja yeahh had so much characters, the story are very interesting and is one of the books in the school was I liked the most

  2. I loved this books <3, when I read I feel that the times in the bus or subway went much faster.

  3. when I was at the school I had to read that book, but I got bored and i searched a recap to do the test hahaha It was too much for me.


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