
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2018
 Hello my friends, today I don't know about I'm going to write , so I'm going to write  anything and I hope that my post will be interesting for you.  Well, I remember when I went to my grandfather, when I was 13 years old. He live in Osorno, most exactly, in Entre Lagos. This town is very small but is very beautiful, it is at the side of the lake, I don't remember its name, but I can remember that the water was very clean, I wanted to swin when I looked this lake, but my mom said me: "first need to go to when your grandfather and later you will can to go to the lake". So we go to grandfather's house and he was waited for us with many food and kneading bread, I love the kneading bread, well I love the all food in the south of Chile, because the food in this place has a special taste, all is delicious in the south, and with so many food I forgot the lake and I started to eat. Every plate had a piece of meat, because my grandfather killed a lamb and my aun

Mix Jobs

 Hello my friends, today I'm going to write about a job that I would like to have in the future, well I study architecture, and I would like to work in tourist architecture, for example make a place for the tourists like a lookout, work in a place like a neighborhood or restoring a national heritage. My dream is mix my two favorites job, the tourism and the architecture. Always I liked the tourism, know new place, know news cultures, speak other language, in this last I still need to practice, but I can understand and speak a little bit.  I need to practice more in my english, and also for work in this job I need learn many things about cultures, countries and history, because I need to know a lot. When I worked in the tourism, in the Hotel Sheraton, I needed to know many thing and place in the city for help tourists. I know that I will not talk to the poeple when I have to make something but I would like to understand them. Because the most satisfaction for a architect is that t

World green

 Hello my friends, today I go to write about a very important topic, the environment, because in Chile is very hard to recycle, or in others words, the government don't learn about the recycle in the schools and don't encourage to the people about this thing.  I remember when I was a child, I listened about the recycle but I didn't understand this issue. Now I understand more about this thing and in my home my family prefer to recycle the things, also prefer reuse the egg trays when we go to buy, my mom prefer buy the thing without plastic or with a bit of plastic, and another thing for reuse the bags and bottles.   But I think that the problem start for the education, because in Chile for many people is normal throw the packaging in the floor, or waste the water and electricity. I think that the father and the school should learn about the recycle, because the country need to change and the best manner is learn to the children about the benefits of the recycle, but als

A Good Book

 Hello my friends, today I go to write about the book I'm reading in this moment, One hundred years of solitude, I still reading because I don't have many time for it, but when I have a little bit time, in the bus, the weekend or in the bathroom hahaha, I read the book.   It is a novel of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, he is my favorite writer, I readed some book than he writed and I loved his storys. This is novel about a town called Macondo in Colombia, this is a fiction town, in the time when Colombia was in the civil war, also in the book apper many character the first is Jose Arcadio Buendia and his wife Ursula Iguaran. They arrived at this place when they were younger and with another persons they founded this town. Sometime they had two childens, the first Jose Arcadio and the second Aureliano. But the story is mainly about Aureliano because he start to feel atraction for Pilar Ternera, but she is older than he, because he is a teen in this part in the story. Later he go int