A issue of my society

Hello my friends,

 Today I want to write about a serious issue that many people live everyday, it's the public health. Many people don't have the money for go to a clinic and receive medical care, so they have to go to a public hospital and wait in that place hours. Many times the people that need medical care are old, and the waiting is hard for they, because the waiting last nearly 3 or 4 hours. Also the infrastructure is bad, many times the people have to wait standing. In many occasion these long waiting cause the die of the people.

 The medical care is a basic necessity, but in the public system seem that forget this. When I go to hospital I look the people in the interminable line waiting for their turn. I think that a solution is employ more doctors and increase their salary, because many doctors don't work in the public hospitals because the salary is low and in the clinics, private system, the salary is better. Some think that the doctors should work with vocation but in this country few people work for "amor al arte", but this a issue for another day.



  1. All public systems seem to forget their purpose :(

  2. ...and especially they seem to forget the old people

  3. Waiting times for the elderly in hospitals are denigrating

  4. It is very outrageous to see the ongoing violence that people must live in public health


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