
Mostrando las entradas de junio, 2018

The World Cup

Hello my friends,  Today I want to write about the football, especially of the world cup. In this month the people around the world look this competition, and I'm not the exception.  I started to watch football when I was 11 years old, my best friend invited me to see a football game of Colo Colo, I liked the game and I was fan of this team. Today I'm not fan any team because many problems that I had with others people. Also I started to practice with my friends in the field back to our departments. I like to play football because I played with my friends, every day after the school we gathered in the field to play, we ran, discussed and laughed.  The first world cup that I watched to was in the 2010, when the Chilean team arrive to South Africa, I need to admit that I always supported to Chile, but never I watched a world cup. In that world cup Chile was eliminated by Brazil. But that was not the first time that Brazil eliminated to Chile, because Brazil has eliminated 1

A issue of my society

Hello my friends,  Today I want to write about a serious issue that many people live everyday, it's the public health. Many people don't have the money for go to a clinic and receive medical care, so they have to go to a public hospital and wait in that place hours. Many times the people that need medical care are old, and the waiting is hard for they, because the waiting last nearly 3 or 4 hours. Also the infrastructure is bad, many times the people have to wait standing. In many occasion these long waiting cause the die of the people.  The medical care is a basic necessity, but in the public system seem that forget this. When I go to hospital I look the people in the interminable line waiting for their turn. I think that a solution is employ more doctors and increase their salary, because many doctors don't work in the public hospitals because the salary is low and in the clinics, private system, the salary is better. Some think that the doctors should work with vocat

Free Day

Hello my friends, today I can write about anything.  I want to write about my dog, because I'm dog lover. I have a cocker, it's a she, its name is Danka, in German mean "Thank". My family found it in the motorway 10 years ago. I remember this day, because my previous pet had die and I felt so sad, but when I saw it the happiness returned to me. I was 12 years old but since than I have memory I'm a dog lover.  Always I think than is better adopt a stray dogs, because this animals are equal to another dogs in the shops, also the all the dogs give a great love to its owners. I think this because when I see a person with a dog  always he is smile. Also the psychologists recommend to the people with depression that they have a pet.  It's not important if is a dog breed or "quiltro" because the dogs are a great company. My dog has give me many moments happiness and I believe that anyone can be happy with a dog and the adoption is the best manner for