
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2018

My favorite foods

Hello my friends,  Today I go to talk about one of my favorite theme: The food. Because I love eat salty food ,  my favorite food is the churrasco, usually I eat two or three in the week, maybe is not very healthy but I like it. The meat is fundamental in my menu, even my family prefer a diet more vegetarian.  But all the chilean food is good, I like eat porotos, mariscal, cazuela, pastel de choclo, etc. I can eat anything, because if it's chilean it's good. This week I ate a curanto with chapalele, was the first time than I ate that food, consist of many shellfishes, meat, potatoes and other ingredients than I can remember now, well all these ingredients are put in a pot and cooked, normally is in a hole in the ground but I'm in Santiago and is different. This is a traditional food in Chile.   Well, if we talk about dessert I choose the fruits, because the fruits are my favorite sweet food. Always I try eat one fruit daily for balance my life. I prefer the ora

Playing in Internet

 Hello my friends, today I want to talk about a website so funny for me. This site is play.pokemonshowdown.com, although is a site for play Pokemon, I like this site because Pokemon is my favorite game and this site permit play with another persons around the world. Also permit to check news strategies for play. Because this game is so varied and permit anybody can play whit any character.  I knew this site for my friends, they also play this game and know many about this things (is almost a vice for they), I use this site for entertain me, because almost I can't play any game. I knew this site in this year but I play Pokemon in another console since I was 10 years old.    I play one and two times in the week but only I play for fun and I try don't lose time in this game, because I have more important things to do. Also the rounds have a duration no more than 5 minutes, except if you play in professional mode, in this type of round you can play during 15 minutes.

Santiago the gray city

 Hello my friends, today I tell you about my city, Santiago.  Santiago is the capital of Chile, in this city you find all type of things, is a place with much technology, is a city so modern.  I like Santiago, because I lived all my life here, al know this city so good. In Santiago you can find the hospitals, malls, restaurants, cinemas, stadiums and shops of all type.  Santiago is the capital of job, in this place is where together the most important part of the jobs in Chile, even people the others countries come at Santiago for job.  Its subway is so fast and can take you to almost all the city, but don't take in "horario punta" because in this hours the subways is full for the people that want to arrive at their house. It's a big problem for Santiago, the transport, because every days the people have that figth for take the subway. Another problem, is similar to the first one, is the overpopulation because Santiago is full, you can't walk without crash