
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2018
Hello,  Today I'm remember the graduation of my sister, she practice Judo. This event was in January of this year, I went with my family, because was a important day for my sister and we don't lose this moment.  The graduation incluid very presentations, for example a exhibition for the most little children where showed the techniques that had learn this presentation was so funny, also the most experts showed their skills, their manner for fight was awesome, lifted persons without problem and throwed to the floor with so speed, it's a sport very incredible  This day my sister was so excited because was her first presentation and she received her first belt, the great yellow belt, like say she.  The Judo is an art marcial that consist in knock down another person but it has a technique because you don't need to be very stength for reach defeat your oponent, only need the correct technique for get the victory.

Presentation in English

Hello.  This week I need prepare a presentation about my study in Arquitecture, the theme that I choose is "The Territory".  I choose this theme because is a new for me and is so interesanting, all is territory, we are surrounded for it, because each person and building have a territory, maybe we don't perceive this thing but is so much important in our living.  The territory is in itself an object inexhaustible of diverse circumstances convergent, because the alternatives for building depend of the place and its context.  For example the territory give us a context in all, every building is build depend of its territory, because these have to keep a harmony in its context, this context can be patrimony, scenery and nature. We can't building a house with big windows in the desert, this is so crazy.  Today the most important thing is search a manner of the human and nature living in armony, this want to say that we need find the manner for the human could bu

A new place

 The last summer I went to Arequipa, Perú, is a beatifull place, its old buildings were build only with a "sillares". The "sillares" is a rock of volcan and is totally white,  because Arequipa is called "The White City"  I traveled alone, but I met many people and ate many good food, my favorite is the "Pollo a la Brasa".  I did many tour for all city, because is very big and is very hard meet and eat all in five days, but I try. I met the center of city and your arquitecture, is interesanting walk for your streets because all are small.  All in Arequipa es awesome, I like all in this place, but if I choose, I choose the Catedral of Arequipa, because its arquitecture and size is the pride of people of Arequipa.
Hello, my name is Lukas Salas, I'm form Santiago, Chile, I'm studying Arquitecture in the Universidad de Chile, my favourite thing is the movie of superhero.