My favorite foods
Hello my friends, Today I go to talk about one of my favorite theme: The food. Because I love eat salty food , my favorite food is the churrasco, usually I eat two or three in the week, maybe is not very healthy but I like it. The meat is fundamental in my menu, even my family prefer a diet more vegetarian. But all the chilean food is good, I like eat porotos, mariscal, cazuela, pastel de choclo, etc. I can eat anything, because if it's chilean it's good. This week I ate a curanto with chapalele, was the first time than I ate that food, consist of many shellfishes, meat, potatoes and other ingredients than I can remember now, well all these ingredients are put in a pot and cooked, normally is in a hole in the ground but I'm in Santiago and is different. This is a traditional food in Chile. Well, if we talk about dessert I choose the fruits, because the fruits are my favorite sweet food. Always I try eat one fruit daily for balance my life. I prefer ...